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in effect artinya

contoh kalimat "in effect"
  • Killing him, in effect, before he's even conceived.
    Membunuh Connor, dalam hal ini, sebelum dia dikandung.
  • Temporary blackout in effect. Did they get that transmission?
    Mulai proses masuk kembali dan hubungan terputus.
  • Blackout is still in effect throughout the London area.
    Pemadaman masih melanda di seluruh daerah London.
  • Do not leave your areas. There is a quarantine in effect.
    Jangan meninggalkan tempatmu dibelakukan karantina
  • K?ten was deceased but the betrothal was still in effect.
    K?ten meninggal tapi pertunangannya masih berlaku.
  • Some patients may even be in effect cured.
    Beberapa pasien yang berobat sudah bisa rawat inap.
  • The accident, in effect orphaned you and your brother.
    Kecelakaan, berakibat kau dan adikmu menjadi yatim piatu
  • They are, in effect, gaining control of food.
    mereka pada dasarnya memiliki kendali trhdp makanan.
  • In effect, cutting the head off the beast.
    Sebagai akibat karena mendekati makhluk buas itu.
  • Emergency orders 6 and 7 are now in effect.
    Perintah 6 dan 7 sudah tidak lagi efektif.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
  • in actuality or reality or fact; "she is effectively his wife"; "in effect, they had no choice"
    Sinonim: effectively, effectively,

  • in actuality or reality or fact; "she is effectively his wife"; "in effect, they had no choice"
    Sinonim: effectively, effectively,

  • Kata sifat
  • exerting force or influence; "the law is effective immediately"; "a warranty good for two years"; "the law is already in effect (or in force)"
    Sinonim: effective, good, in force,